Friday, September 27, 2013

A. Crazi Kitchen

This morning I wanted comfort food. My 6 month old came down with a high fever last night and you would think she was my first. I have been a little stressed about it. So naturally I decided to come up with a new recipe for Quick Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls. I had about an hour to get it taken care of. Now, I usually hate cooking in a dirty kitchen. 1. It's just gross. 2. There is no place to make anything.

The Crazie Kitchen. It's only moments like this I am grateful for my glass top stove.
 I decided to go against my better judgment and just go for it. As I was tying to come up with a new recipe while my poor six month old clinged to me and my toddler continuously rammed chairs in the back of my legs I wondered what crazy person decides to make something within a time limit in this chaos. And there it was, the name for my blog. After being married for three and a half years I still had no "go to meal plans" and constantly wondered what to make for dinner. Of course it doesn't help that we decided to focus on a whole foods, vegetarian approach a year or so ago. Now as a disclaimer, we do eat meat every so often, more so in the winter times there will be the use of some processed items like white sugar and flour (gasp). I have recently started taking pictures of recipes I have tried and written how I have changed and what I would like to do different next time. I figured why not start a blog to keep them on. So here I go. Welcome to my journey into making healthy (and good tasting) meals for my little family.
How did my pumpkin cinnamon rolls turn out you ask? Not as sweet as I wanted them. I attempted to make a brown sugar frosting to sweeten them up with a recipe I found online. This is what happened instead:
Texture was something along the lines of Werthers Originals.
I must say though the flavor was wonderful.

This must be the reason for the chair in the back of my leg.

1 comment:

  1. I hate cooking in a messy kitchen too, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do! I love trying recipes tried and tasted by people I know, so I am looking forward to trying some of your recipes!
